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Consultant Corporation

Illustration of a Butter Knife

Case Study:1886

An upscale fine-dining Chinese restaurant in Vancouver, it has a reputation for its excellent cuisine as it spotlights Cantonese dishes.

The Challenge

Despite its reputation this restaurant faced challenges related to operational efficiency, customer service and profitability.

The Solution

Conceptual Design: The workflow of the restaurant was evaluated along with the following aspects: staff responsibilities, restaurant's financials, inventory management practices and the use of technology . With the issues identified the areas of improvement was then discussed.

Business Development: Training programs was created to strengthen the staff hospitality, customer interaction and communication skills. The ordering and delivering process was streamlined to minimize wait times, improving the overall speed of service and technology such as restaurant management and tablet ordering systems were implemented to enhance efficiency. Cost saving measures were also put into place, such as maximizing portions, reducing food waste and negotiating better prices with suppliers

Brand Building: The restaurant’s ambiance was upgraded, the plating and presentation of dishes were refined and new menu concepts were introduced to attract a wider customer base. Customers feedback was also gathered through surveys or commentary cards to ensure continuous improvement.

Menu Development: A menu engineering strategy was developed to highlight the items with greater profit and eliminate the low-margin dishes.

The Results

Through these efforts, The Restaurant solidified its position as an upscale establishment in the industry. In 2018, it achieved the Chinese Restaurant Award for the Top 10 recommendation dishes.

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